The Tobacco Project provides an overview of the LGBTQ community with regard to smoking rates, opinions about smoking policies, and details about challenges faced by LGBTQ smokers trying to quit. The Missouri LGBTQ population is diverse with a range of experiences and effects from tobacco use. However, compared with the general population, there is a lower level of knowledge about the harmful effects of smoking and exposure to secondhand smoke. These findings match a lower level of support for smoke-free environments at work, home, and hospitality settings. In general, there are higher smoking rates in this community and a lower rate of successful cessation. This project was created to address these disparities. Between 2008 and 2012 over 7,900 unique participant surveys were collected. View ourĀ White Paper on Data Collection or visit the Posters & Presentations page to view our data.
Bill Snook, Kansas City Health Department
Stephanie Perkins, PROMO
Jeanette Mott Oxford, Missouri House of Representatives
Megan Lee, Out, Proud and Healthy
Carol Cox, Truman State University
Struby Struble, MU LGBTQ Resource Center
Grace Vega, University of Missouri Health Care
David Schlomer, Good Samaritan Project
Ken Haller, Cardinal Glennon Children’s Hospital
Sherrill Wayland, SAGE Metro St. Louis
Adam Kepka, The SPOT
Susan Nanny, The LGBT Center of St. Louis
Leon Braxton, Jr.
A.J. Brockelman, PROMO
Don Dressel, The Harris House
Lucas Hudson, The Vital Voice
Murial Jones, The LGBT Center of St. Louis
LaShana Lewis, The LGBT Center of St. Louis
Nancy Mueller, Center for Tobacco Policy Research
Matt Palmer, St. Louis Effort for AIDS
Mike Rankins, Lindenwood University