Community Resources: gaymen

Rustin’s Place is a safe space for young GBTQ men and adults, and is a part of the Mpowerment HIV prevention initiative. All are welcome to the center’s community activities, and are encouraged to to part in the services offered by RP (Rustin’s Place).

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Tags: african americans, gay men, hiv/aids, social, get tested

M-Cubed hosts different events for younger gay and bi men in the St. Louis area. We revolve around the entire gay experience, beyond just the bar/club scene. While some of these events are more social-based, and others more education-based, we hope to build a community committed to healthy minds, bodies, and relationships. So whether you’re looking for new friends or new “friends,” come and join us! Events will be posted on this page, so keep watch and don’t miss out

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Tags: social, gay men, bisexual, get involved

Since March 2011, the Men’s Chorus of the Ozarks has been singing to celebrate differences in the Ozarks region. Dedicated to using the power of music to provide a voice for diversity in the Ozarks, the Chorus is committed to the community, both locally in Springfield and in the greater Ozarks area. The Mens Chorus of the Ozarks offers innovative and provocative musical performances for the educational and cultural enrichment of the Ozarks.

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Tags: music, performance, southwest missouri, gay men, bisexual, chorus, choir, social, get involved

The Haven Mpowerment Project mobilizes young gay/bisexual men in the Ozarks to shape a healthy community for themselves, build positive social connections, and support their friends to have safer sex.

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Tags: youth, gay men, bisexual, southwest missouri, social, safe sex, teens

Gay Men’s Health Outreach (GMHO) launched in 2013 as part of AIDS Project of the Ozark community outreach to provide a safe, affirming, and holistic environment to address the complete health needs of men that identify as Gay, Bi, and men who have sex with other men (MSMs) here in the Southwest Missouri. At GMHO, we believe we can end the health disparities of Gay, Bi, and MSMs by addressing the underlying causes, shifting cultural beliefs, and promoting smarter behaviors that empower a healthy life for all of us.

Open Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5pm to 10pm. We are welcoming space for gay/bi men to socialize, receive support, and get free HIV/STD testing and counseling.

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Tags: gay men, southwest missouri, social, support, get tested, hiv/aids, std, counseling, bisexual

The National Queer Asian Pacific Islander Alliance (NQAPIA) is a federation of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT) Asian American, South Asian, Southeast Asian, and Pacific Islander organizations. NQAPIA seeks to expand collaborations with allied organization, and promote social justice values by challenging homophobia, sexism, racism and xenophobia that adversely impact our communities

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Tags: bisexual, gay, gay men, national, people of color, asian, pacific islander, support, advocacy

The Show Me Bears is a social and charitable fundraising organization whose aim is to promote interest in bears. The Show Me Bears is registered with the State of Missouri as a nonprofit charitable corporation. Through a variety of annual and special events, we raise money for local and regional HIV/AIDS-related charities.

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Tags: bears, gay men, get involved, social, st louis, community

The Saint Louis Gay Men’s Social Group is a discussion and support group for gay men 22 and older. We provide a friendly and safe place for gay men to gather. We assemble together to discuss various topics related to gay men and to participate in a variety of social activities.

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Tags: gay men, get involved, social, st louis, men, community

Prime Timers St. Louis (PTSL) is a social organization open to mature men (21 years and older) who self-identify as Gay or BisexualWe provide fellowship through social, educational, and recreational activities in a safe, positive and supportive environment.

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Tags: gay men, men, bisexual, social, education, aging, get involved, st louis, older