Community Resources: lesbian

The Foundation for Black Women’s Wellness is a Wisconsin based non-profit organization committed to mobilizing African American women to pursue and sustain mind-body-spirit wellness, and to raise the visibility and support of Black women’s health as a community and public health priority.

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Tags: women, lesbian, bisexual, health, african american, get involved, social

GLAMA is a partnership between the Kansas City Museum and the LaBudde Special Collections of the Miller Nichols Library at the University of Missouri – Kansas City to collect, preserve, and make accessible the documents and artifacts that reflect the history of the gay and lesbian community of the Kansas City region.

This site will provide you with an overview of the materials that have already been gathered as well as give you an idea of what else we would like to collect and preserve.

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Tags: gay, lesbian, kansas city, umkc, history, media, archives, lgbt

We are a national network of Old Lesbians over age 60 working to make life better for Old Lesbians through support networks and by confronting ageism in our communities and our country using education and public discourse as primary tools. Our national organization is directed by a Steering Committee that works to form and support local groups who will work in their own communities. We believe that we have a great deal of wisdom, experience and strength to share with our communities as well as among ourselves.

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Tags: lesbian, aging, activism, get involved, national, political, organizing, advocacy, older, women, education

The mission of the Log Cabin Republicans is to work within the Republican Party for the equal rights of all Americans, including gay men and women. We are loyal Republicans. Polls show one-third of gay and lesbian voters support fair-minded Republican candidates. We represent an important part of the American family speaking up as a powerful conservative voice for fairness.

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Tags: gay, lesbian, get involved, lgbt, political, politics, st louis, republican

The Left Bank Books Lesbian Reading Group is open to the public and welcomes LGBTQ women and our friends. We meet on the third Friday of each month.

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Tags: get involved, lesbian, social, st louis, read, reading, books, community

CHARIS is a diverse group of women united in our mission to perform music that celebrates and encourages women and the LGBTQ community.

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Tags: get involved, lesbian, social, st louis, performance, music, chorus, women, community, connect

Pride St. Louis is an organization that strives to serve the LGBT+ community in the STL metropolitan area. Their mission is to foster unity, visibility and equality for the LGBT+ community through advocacy, education and celebration.

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Tags: get involved, lgbt, social, st louis, support, gay, lesbian

JoMo EQ is an LGBT support community for queers in Joplin, it was created to give kids, teens, young adults, parents and seasoned adults within the LGBT community a safe place to express who they are. Their page consists of multiple event postings and community resources.

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Tags: joplin, lgbt, media, southwest missouri, gay, lesbian, allies

The Gay and Lesbian Community Center of the Ozarks supports the well-being of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender (GLBT) persons in the greater Springfield, Missouri region by organizing and sponsoring community activities and by increasing public understanding and appreciation of GLBT citizens.

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Tags: community center, resources, springfield, southwest missouri, gay, lesbian, lgbt