Organization Intersex International – United States
The Organization Intersex International (OII) is the world’s largest intersex advocacy organization. OII’s mission is to attain human rights for intersex infants, children, and adults, particularly the right to bodily intergrity and self-determination.
OII-USA’s mission is to campaign for the human rights of all intersex people, to support intersex individuals by providing information and contact with other intersex people, to provide information concerning actual life experiences of people with intersex variations to those working with people with atypical sex anatomy, and to assist family and friends of intersex individuals in understanding intersex variations and their role as allies.
Tags: intersex, support, advocacy, education, allies, outreach, resources, human rights, allies, ethics
National LGBT Cancer Network
The National LGBT Cancer Network is the only program in the country addressing the needs of all LGBT people with cancer and those at risk. Our work focuses on education, advocacy, and training.
Tags: health, cancer, national, LGBT, advocacy, education, training, outreach
Williams and Associates, Inc.
Our mission is to provide preventive health education, disease prevention, health promotion and care services that address the health disparities of minorities in the St. Louis Bi-State Region, with particular regard to African Americans.
Tags: african americans, health, minorities, disparities, disease prevention, education
Transsexual Road Map
Welcome! Transsexual transition is simply a journey. Just like a trip, you decide on
- your destination
- the time you’ll need to get there
- the money you’ll spend
Transsexual Road Map is a travel guide to set priorities and choose your route. It’s about making informed purchasing decisions and setting realistic, achievable transition goals.
Tags: trans, transsexual, transition, education
The Gender Justice League
Gender Justice League (GJL) is a civil & human rights organization that focuses on elevating the rights of TwoSpirit, Trans, & Gender Diverse (2STGD) communities in Washington State & beyond through advocacy efforts, direct services, shared leadership development, and the creation of sacred Trans spaces like Trans Pride Seattle.
Tags: trans, transgender, resources, education
Safe Connections
Please use this Safe Connections site to learn more about the dynamics of domestic violence and sexual assault…and our programs where victims become survivors. Our mission is to reduce the impact and incidence of relationship violence and sexual assault through education, crisis intervention, counseling and support services.
Located in St. Louis, Missouri, Safe Connections is a place where relationship violence and its long-term effects are addressed in complete confidence and security. Our individual counseling enables thousands of survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault to reclaim their lives. Our 24-hour Crisis Helpline volunteers provide resources and information to survivors, family members and concerned friends. Project HART offers information about healthy relationships to adolescents at schools and other sites around the region. Our services are free, safe and confidential.
Tags: education, domestic violence, crisis intervention, support, counseling, crisis line, sexual assault
FTM Resource Guide
This Guide is intended to provide information on topics of interest to female-to-male (FTM, F2M) trans men, and their friends and loved ones. Non-trans men have also found the pages on men’s grooming and clothing to be helpful. Transsexual, non-transsexual, intersex, transgender, genderqueer, questioning, and “just plain folks” are all welcome.
Tags: trans, transgender, health, education
Massachusetts Transgender Political Coalition
Founded in 2001, the Massachusetts Transgender Political Coalition (MTPC) is dedicated to ending discrimination on the basis of gender identity and gender expression.
We envision a world where persons of all genders are treated with respect and fully participate in all areas of society, free from fear of prohibition, harassment or violence based on their gender identity and/or expression. To that end we educate the public, advocate with state, local, and federal government, engage in activism, and encourage empowerment of community members through collective action.
Tags: trans, transgender, gender identity, education, advocacy, policy
World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH)
As an international multidisciplinary professional Association the mission of The World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) is to promote evidence based care, education, research, advocacy, public policy and respect in transgender health. The vision of The World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) is to bring together diverse professionals dedicated to developing best practices and supportive policies worldwide that promote health, research, education, respect, dignity, and equality for transgender, transsexual, and gender-variant people in all cultural settings.
Tags: trans, transgender, health, education, advocacy, policy
National LGBT Health Education Center
The National LGBT Health Education Center provides educational programming and consultation for health care organizations throughout the nation and the world with the goal of eliminating health disparities among lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people.
The Education Center is a part of The Fenway Institute, the research, training, and health policy division of Fenway Health, a Federally Qualified Health Center, and one of the world’s largest LGBT-focused health centers.
Tags: lgbt, education, health