Community Resources: connect

Pridefloat is about a bunch of gay guys and gals from all over the Mid-West (mostly Missouri, Kansas, Arkansas, and Illinois) camping together for five days and four nights, floating on the river, and having a good time.

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Tags: get involved, get moving, social, statewide, Missouri, float, community, connect, lgbt, outdoors, camp

BiStLouis newsgroup was formed by the members of the Bisexual Alliance of St. Louis to provide a safe place where the bisexual community of the St. Louis metro area can exchange ideas and information. Anyone is welcome who considers themselves bisexual, pansexual, omnisexual, don’t-label-me, etc. as well as those who love us.

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Tags: bisexual, get involved, social, st louis, support, community, queer, connect

CHARIS is a diverse group of women united in our mission to perform music that celebrates and encourages women and the LGBTQ community.

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Tags: get involved, lesbian, social, st louis, performance, music, chorus, women, community, connect

Band Together is a volunteer music organization in the greater St. Louis area, open to performers of all abilities, providing musical opportunities to members of the GLBTA community in a safe and relaxed setting.

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Tags: get involved, social, st louis, music, performance, connect, community, instruments, band

STL GLASS (Arch City Pride Sports) is a non-profit dedicated to promoting and facilitating amateur athletic for all persons with an emphasis on LGBT communities; and to encourage education and training in the proper skills of athletics. STL GLASS promotes, organize clinics, seminars and training courses and support other LGBT community organizations

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Tags: gay, lesbian, lgbt, get involved, get moving, social, st louis, sports, physical activity, softball, competition, connect, community

Saint Louis Frontrunners is a non-competitive club for Gay, Lesbian, Bi-sexual, Transgender, and Straight-Allied (GLBTS) runners and walkers of all abilities.

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Tags: get involved, get moving, lgbt, social, st louis, sports, run, running, walking, community, connect

Sqsh is a grassroots, community-based collective dedicated to facilitating healing spaces and building community capacity for queers in St. Louis to thrive. The organization stives to interrupt and transform our responses to harm through peer support, resource connections, political education, relationship-building, storytelling, and working towards healing justice.

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Tags: get involved, social, st louis, support, youth, meeting, community, connect