Community Resources: disabled

Passing Twice is an informal network of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender stutterers and their friends. Passing Twice meets every year at the NSA convention, and also holds workshops at other stuttering conferences around the world.

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Tags: national, resources, people with disabilities, disabled, disability, stuttering, stutter

BENT is the biographical voice of cripgay men, but BENT also covers disability art and culture, gay and straight, to prove that our differentness and our need for inclusiveness can coexist.

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Tags: media, national, people with disabilities, resources, support, advocacy, disabled, disability, crip, cripgay, bent, zine, art, culture

The purpose of Blind LGBT Pride is to provide for the betterment of the lives of those who are visually impaired and who are LGBT. We do this by providing a forum for the views and concerns of visually impaired persons interested in issues facing those who are LGBT, by providing information about publications of interest to members that are produced in accessible format and by encouraging the production of such material in accessible format, and by providing education on accessibility awareness.

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Tags: international, people with disabilities, disabled, disability, blind, blindness, visual, accessibility, support, resources, advocacy, community