Community Resources: gsa

Gay-Straight Alliance Network is a national youth leadership organization that connects school-based Gay-Straight Alliances (GSAs) to each other and community resources through peer support, leadership development, and training.

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Tags: advocacy, education, youth, getinvolved, national, youth, gsa, leadership, bullying, community

The Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network strives to assure that each member of every school community is valued and respected regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity/expression.

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Tags: bullying, education, get involved, national, youth, schools, GSA, research, advocacy

Nationally, GLSEN works to ensure safe schools for ALL students, regardless of sexual orientation and gender identity. There are over 40 Chapters around the country, which work closely with the national staff of GLSEN to implement programs, and to keep national staff informed of local events.

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Tags: bullying, education, get involved, kansas city, youth, students, sexual orientation, gender identity, teens, GSA, gay, lesbian, genderidentity