Community Resources: sexualorientation

The Kansas Equality Coalition is a unified statewide group of fair-minded people who are determined to end discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. We seek to ensure the dignity, safety and legal equality of all Kansans.

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Tags: kansas city, discrimination, sexual orientation, gender identity, legal, kansas

Nationally, GLSEN works to ensure safe schools for ALL students, regardless of sexual orientation and gender identity. There are over 40 Chapters around the country, which work closely with the national staff of GLSEN to implement programs, and to keep national staff informed of local events.

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Tags: bullying, education, get involved, kansas city, youth, students, sexual orientation, gender identity, teens, GSA, gay, lesbian, genderidentity

IMPACT’s Mission is to conduct translational research that improves the health of sexual minority people and to increase understanding of the development of sexual orientation and gender identity. Impact seeks to develop the capacity of the LGBT community to conduct health research and translate research findings into practical interventions.

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Tags: research, health, lgbt, national, sexual orientation, gender identity