Community Resources: sexualassault

Please use this Safe Connections site to learn more about the dynamics of domestic violence and sexual assault…and our programs where victims become survivors. Our mission is to reduce the impact and incidence of relationship violence and sexual assault through education, crisis intervention, counseling and support services.

Located in St. Louis, Missouri, Safe Connections is a place where relationship violence and its long-term effects are addressed in complete confidence and security. Our individual counseling enables thousands of survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault to reclaim their lives. Our 24-hour Crisis Helpline volunteers provide resources and information to survivors, family members and concerned friends. Project HART offers information about healthy relationships to adolescents at schools and other sites around the region. Our services are free, safe and confidential.

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Tags: education, domestic violence, crisis intervention, support, counseling, crisis line, sexual assault

The St. Louis Anti-Violence Advocacy Project’s 24-hour Crisis Line.


Tags: anti-violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, advocacy, st. louis, crisisline

The Kansas City Anti-Violence Project (KCAVP) is a Missouri nonprofit corporation committed to providing domestic violence, sexual assault, and hate crimes advocacy and education to the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community.

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Tags: antiviolence, education, kansas city, lgbt, resources, support, domestic violence, sexual assault, hate crimes, western missouri

The  Leadership through Education & Advocacy for the Deaf, offers Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Programs, Drug and Alcohol Programs, HIV/Aids Awareness Programs, Training and Education for all of these programs and a 24 hour Crisis Line, all under one roof.

800-380-3323 or 573-445-5059

Tags: crisis line, deaf, mental health, midmissouri, people with disabilities, support, antiviolence, domestic violence, sexual assault, drugs, alcohol, hiv/aids